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Saturday, October 11, 2014

Blood of Olympus Book Review

*Hey Guys! I know I said that I would do my first book review on Paper Towns by John Green. However, Blood of Olympus came out on October 7 and I HAD to read it. I admit, I cried and fangirled a ton in this book (not all sad tears.) I figured it would be okay to start with this book instead. THESE OPINIONS ARE ALL MY OWN.*

Blood Of Olympus Book Review
By Madison Mullins

Rick Riordan: Rick Riordan is the author of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, the Heroes of Olympus series (the sequel series to Percy Jackson), the Kane Chronicle, and next fall his new series on Norse mythology called Magnus Chase. Rick Riordan prefers to write in first person. The person telling the story varies throughout the chapters. He lives in Boston with his wife and two sons. He is also a New York Times #1 Best Selling Author.

Summary: Picking up right where it left off in the House of Hades, Jason, Piper, and Annabeth wearing disguises, raid in on an evil spirit gathering, while Percy, Jason, Leo, Hazel, and Frank are back on the Argo 11. During this time, Coach Hedge, Reyna, and Nico are shadow traveling and transporting the Athena Parthenos to Camp Half-Blood. Fighting never stopping and taking dangerous risks throughout the way. The gods are having an even harder time separating from Greek to Roman. The Crew is hurrying to stop Gaea from rising and destroying the world. The Prophesy is revealed and is beginning to come true:
Seven Half-Bloods shall answer the call,
through storm or fire the world must fall,
An Oath to keep with a final breath,
and foes bear arms through the doors of death."

As time goes on the final battle begins and Greeks and Romans either join forces or destroy themselves.

Review: In the Blood of Olympus, the character development is one of the best I have ever seen/read in my entire life! Frank begins to grown into his new body, and mature. Annabeth and Percy grow so close which was amazing!  Annabeth also is constantly being haunted by terrors she had experienced in Tartarus. However, Piper comes out of her shell and they grow closer together as friends. They give each other support the whole time, which is great to see. Jason is forced to remember his past and his mother; and must decide who he will be. Percy and Jason experience similar circumstances as Annabeth and Piper. They grew closer and learned from each other, instead of fighting and showing off, they worked together for once.
      Now, I want to tell you about Nico. He has come so far and has gone through so much pain and suffering. From his sisters death, through Tartarus by himself, through so much, yet he still sacrifices and does whatever it takes to help/save his friends. Nico and Reyna develop a close relationship which brings out a different side of Nico than we are used to seeing. Reyna trusts Nico with her biggest fear and secret. He handles it very well and even gives her advice. Yes, NICO, of all people, gave her advice and help. Throughout the story, Nico begins to trust her as well. He tells her things he didnt think he could tell anyone. Whenever Reyna was injured, Nico was the first to react, same the other way. We see him turn from this young boy full of hurt to a young man who overcomes his pain. He really matures and becomes a leader. Nico also sees how much they rely and care for him. He didn't really understand how much he meant to them until this book. His character development impacted the story and me the most.
We get to see a lot from Reyna. We see her backstory, and her struggles. She was a HUGE impact on the story and changed a lot about what I thought of her. I never really gave her much thought or credit, but that has changed so much because of this book.
          In this book, you see the story we all love, finish. It was a great finale to the series. Everything from the beginning began to make sense and click together. On page 393 Rick Riordan dropped a few hints about his upcoming Norse Mythology series, Magnus Chase, who by what I am understanding is Annabeth's cousin! (Insert fangirling).  Blood of Olympus is very appropriate. There is very little if at all language. It deals with some painful and deep topics which younger children will probably not understand. I would recommend this book/series for children over the age of 12, however, I would suggest waiting until after they have studied Greek Mythology to read these books. I really only have one negative opinion to say about this book, which is; that Percy didn't have a POV chapter. I love seeing things from his perspective and we didn't get that in Blood Of Olympus. Overall, it was an amazing book which I will recommend to others. I have to say it is in my top 5 all time favorites.

*Thanks for reading! Don't forget to come back soon and see new book reviews!! -Madison Mullins (aka The Book Nerd.)*

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